Canasta de productos organicos

Coma saludable y fomente un comercio justo en las comunidades de nuestro estado. -Sin pesticidas o fertilizantes químicos -Libres de conservadores -Sin especies genéticamente modificadas -Sin uso de hormonas o alimentos animales -Cultivado a dos horas de la riviera maya Primer programa de Apoyo Agrícola Comunitario (CSA, Community Supported Agriculture) en la península.

The Benefits of Buying Local

It’s fresh. Buying local food means there is less time between when your food was harvested and when it gets to your table.
It’s better for the environment. Local foods require less packaging and travel less distances, saving on waste and pollution.
It’s better for you. Local foods are more nutritious: food loses vitamins and minerals as it ages.
It supports local economy. Buying from local farmers supports businesses in your community, aiding the overall local economy.
It creates access to food experts. Buying local food creates the opportunity for you to build a relationship with your food supplier, learning about what he or she knows best—food.

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Pago por canasta



-primer pago

(incluye canasta de mimbre)

$ 880.00

$ 680.00

-Siguientes pagos a la

entrega de cada canasta

$ 390.00

$ 290.00


Pago anual,

( incluye 12 canastas)

$ 4,600.00

$ 3,400.00


$ 50.00