Canasta de productos organicos

Coma saludable y fomente un comercio justo en las comunidades de nuestro estado. -Sin pesticidas o fertilizantes químicos -Libres de conservadores -Sin especies genéticamente modificadas -Sin uso de hormonas o alimentos animales -Cultivado a dos horas de la riviera maya Primer programa de Apoyo Agrícola Comunitario (CSA, Community Supported Agriculture) en la península.

Why Join A CSA?

Buy Local
Your support helps small local farms stay afloat.
Connect with the food you eat by meeting your farmers and exploring the farms.

Eat Well
Buy the freshest food for your family.
Explore new foods and learn to cook with them.
Find out that beet greens aren’t just good for you, they’re tasty too!

Be Healthy
Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit.
Share healthy eating habits with your kids. Expose them early to a variety of regional produce.

Protect the Environment
Support farmers who take care of their land by growing food in ways that take care of the soil.
Cut down on the number of miles your food travels from the farm to your plate.

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Pago por canasta



-primer pago

(incluye canasta de mimbre)

$ 880.00

$ 680.00

-Siguientes pagos a la

entrega de cada canasta

$ 390.00

$ 290.00


Pago anual,

( incluye 12 canastas)

$ 4,600.00

$ 3,400.00


$ 50.00